Multicultural Education Values in Folklore Babad Tanah Sunda Babad Cirebon as Alternative Teaching Materials

Riyan Nuari, Suminto A. Sayuti


Multicultural education is a new discourse in Indonesian education needed by Indonesia. Multicultural education is needed by this nation to reduce the possible conflicts and to explore the potential contained in a multicultural country like Indonesia. To understand multicultural education it must move from the value contained in multicultural education. The aim of the research was to identify and to describe multicultural education value in folklore Babad Tanah Sunda Babad Cirebon. The qualitative method was used in this research with the sociology of literature as an approach. Taking and note method was used to determine the data and qualitative data analyze was used to analyze the data. Found the value of multicultural education as much as 57 in folklore Babad Tanah Sunda Babad Cirebon. The implementation of multicultural education as an alternative to literary materials by using several methods. 1. Reading the floklore, 2. Founding morale values, norm, and tradition. 3. Interpretation, 4. Discussion.


Multicultural Education Values, Folklore, Babad Tanah Sunda Babad Cirebon

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