A Cognitive Analysis of False Friends in Chinese-English Translation on Conceptual Metaphor Theory

Zhengqiu Xu, Lyu Liangqiu


Many inspirations have been drawn for false friends in Chinese-English Translation from the studies of classifications, causes as well as translation strategies in the light of Theoretical Linguistics and Pragmatics. The paper aims to conduct a cognitive study of false friends in translation under the perspective of Conceptual Metaphor Theory. With abroad data and careful analysis, non-corresponding metaphorical meanings between Chinese and English give rise to false friends in translation. Metaphorical meanings are recognized within specific culture and context which are the indirect causes of false friends in translation. Furthermore, the improvement of translators’ cognitive competence of metaphors and Optimum Principle are required to avoid false friends in translation, to express the conceptual metaphorical meaning as much as possible.


False friends in Chinese-English translation, Conceptual Metaphor Theory, Cognitive Experience, Optimum Principle

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