Exploring the Pros and Cons of Implementing Flipped Classroom in a Virtual Learning Environment in Mathematics 7

Anton A. Romero, Edarlyn D. Angeles


Effective implementation of virtual learning has been a challenge encountered by many teachers. This paper investigates the experiences of twenty (20) grade seven students from a university exposed to virtual learning using the flipped classroom model in Mathematics. The informants were chosen from eight learning groups (LG) enrolled in online learning from 2020-2021. The study employed a case study design and used the Clarke and Braun thematic analysis (TA) approach to interpret the qualitative data. It used individual interviews, focused group discussions (FGD), and interviews with parents and teachers to collect relevant information. Google Meet was used to gather the data needed. This study aims to address the challenges encountered by the implementation of virtual classes during the pandemic. It also seeks to explore the pros and cons of putting the flipped classroom approach into practice in a virtual learning environment. The findings revealed that the flipped classroom approach could be an effective strategy in enhancing students’ positive attributes toward learning and socialization in an online learning environment. Also, the teacher could transform the teaching and learning process into a more student-centered classroom in which assessment could be carried out effectively. For future purposes, researchers could address the cons of this study by integrating anecdotal records and performance trackers into the new flipped classroom model developed.



flipped classroom model; virtual learning; pros and cons of flipped classroom; thematic analysis approach

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